Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Reading Program 2009

Today completed our Summer Reading Program at our local library. From June 1-July 30, Corbyn read 4400 minutes; Eden read 4980 minutes; Keziah read 300 books; Azaryah read (or had read to him) 200 books!!! Way to Go, Kiddos!!! Daddy and Mommy are so proud of you!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lazy Days of Summer

Don't you just love days where you can relax and enjoy?!?! Today, the kiddos got up and began to play. Corbyn, Eden, and Keziah decided to build a block town for their Little Pet Shops (of course, Corbyn doesn't own any Little Pet Shops, but he is so sweet to play along with his sisters). Azaryah took off into our sun room to "make" puzzles. He put all those together all by himself. He is so proud!!!

Missy and Hannah's Visit

Last week, we had the blessing of visiting with Missy and Hannah. They flew into see us and to celebrate Hannah's 13th birthday while they were here. Our visit began with a day of sun and swimming...

Hannah wanted to go to T-Rex and have her birthday lunch. We followed that up with shopping and a sushi snack.

The kiddos found the yellow brick road and followed it all around the shops...We never saw Totto, though ;-)

Of course, Missy and I had to have a Girl's Night Out!!! We enjoyed a little shopping, dinner and a movie. Thanks to Glen for entertaining the kiddos while we were away!!

Cannot believe it will be a year before we see them again!!! Sweet memories

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Family Fun with the Brown Family...

Last night we enjoyed some fun and fellowship with Rob and Kimberly and their sweet children. The little kiddos enjoyed their own table ;-)Kallie, Keirra, Azaryah, Eden and Keziah

Corbyn enjoyed Brantly...Isn't that sweet?!?!

Kallie, Eden and Keziah enjoying some girly time...

Rob and Glen...

Kim and Michelle...

God has truly blessed us with Rob and Kim and their family!!! Friends are precious blessings from the Lord

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Story Time

This morning, Azaryah enjoyed Story Time with his buddies. The theme of the day was FROGS.

After hearing a story about frogs, the boys were invited to dress Froggy for the snow...

The finished product ;-) Good Job, Boys

Their craft was to make a FROG HAT and then finish the class with a song about a FROG...

They all had a great time...This is Azaryah and his buddy, Lucian

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Daisy Girl Scouts Journeys

Keziah and Eden's Daisy Girl Scouts Tunics. Both girls completed the Daisy petals; however, the Journeys are new. The Girl Scouts just added these this year, so we decided to complete them this summer.

Keziah and Eden's Fun Patches...They had a blast earning each one of them.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Family Bike Ride

Today, we went on a 2 1/2 hour family bike ride...The kiddos did GREAT!!! We were all covered in sweat and their little legs were tired but everyone was all smiles...Glen bought he and I our bikes when Corbyn was just a few months old. Each one of the kiddos have gotten the blessing of riding along with Daddy. Azaryah does have his own toddler bike but on our family bike rides, he does best with Daddy.

Corbyn is a wonderful bike rider...He and Glen will take off and ride for miles together.

Keziah has had a tricycle the past several years, but this year, she inherited Eden's bicycle. She is really enjoying her new wheels.

Eden is finally able to ride her big girl bike with no training wheels...She is doing very well. For her first bike ride on two wheels, she rode perfectly for 2 1/2 hours. GO EDEN!!!

Family Bike Ride Continued

The Rail Trail makes a wonderful place to ride for miles and miles...It was a great weather - 72 degrees, overcast and breezy

Potty training means a few pit stops along the way ;-)

Azaryah always takes a little nap when we are on our family bike rides...Comfy seat

Keziah got a little tuckered out, but she did not complain at all!!!

It is a blast to spend time with family!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Royals Game

Glen and Corbyn off to the Royals game...Glen bought them the t-shirt and hat yesterday so they could match!!! See it is not always me who wants us to match ;-)

Neis Family's Visit

The Neis family has been a blessing to us for many years. We met them at church when we first moved here. A few years later, the Lord moved them away but now they are close enough to visit every once in a while ;-)

Tony and Corbyn

Eden, Sammi, and Keziah

Azaryah was born after they moved away but he enjoyed the movies and playing with the kiddos at lunch today.

Tina and Michelle...Funny story...When Tina and I got to know one another, she told me that she was a Marine. (Well, if you know me, you know I am NOT a Marine in ANY way!!) One day, I broke a fingernail and said, "Oh, pooh...I just broke a nail." To which she replied, "I love you now, Michelle, but if you and I were in high school together, I would have had to beat you up!!!" LOL
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