Tuesday, July 27, 2010

God's Gifts

Tonight, as I sit here and reflect upon my day, I just have to praise the Lord for the gifts that HE gives. God has graciously provided preciuos friends in my life that love me, encourage me, challenge me, and inspire me to be more like Christ. I spent the day with one of those precious gifts today.

As we walked back into my house this afternoon, I was greeted by four more blessings from the Lord (my children) and then an hour later, my precious husband walked through the door. I just cannot explain how my heart sings when I stop and really appreciate what God has given. Even when God removes things in our lives, it is a blessing from above. I may not understand that at first but the more I seek the Lord through His Word, the more clear it becomes. HE truly knows what we need and what is hindering to us. I do not deserve any of the blessings that God has given me but I offer Him all the glory, honor, and praise.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Gluten-Free Lasagna

One of our favorite meals is my Mama's homemade lasagna!! I normally make it with wheat noodles because I was not sure how rice noodles would work. Tonight, I made it with gluten-free noodles and it is DELICIOUS!!! These rice noodles cook and taste like "regular" noodles!!! YEAH!!! Now, we can our favorite meal as often as we want and not just when we have company!!! heehee

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Water Park with Friends

Last week, we enjoyed VBS at our church. Since Beth and I had to travel in to the city everyday, we decided to do some fun family activities in the afternoons. One activity was on Tuesday. Beth's parents open their home to all of us. We all enjoyed lunch together before heading over to the Water Park for several hours of sun, fun, and HEAT!!!

Water Park with Friends #2

Water Park with Friends #3

Pirate Party

Our local library has lots of activities for the children during the summer as part of their Summer Reading Program. The children enjoyed the Pirate Party last week!!


Nautical Nonsense Theme Day...

Mix-Match...NOT my favorite day!!! I am not a fan of my kiddos going out in public like this!!! heehee But you would know this is THEIR favorite day ;-)

Hilarious Hats and Silly Shoes Day...

This year's theme for VBS was "Learning to Dive Deep into God's Word"...All the crafts, activities, and snacks had something to do with water.

The Fergensons

We had the blessing of visiting with Christy and her children while they were visiting family nearby. We met this sweet family in when we lived in Kentucky then we moved and they moved overseas...Now, they are back in the states and have family near us!!
Grace, Eden, Corbyn, Azaryah, Keziah, Twila, and Esther

Chillin' with the Corprews...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Gluten-Free Living

Our children are gluten-intolerant so our home is a "Gluten-Free Zone." The girls and I enjoy putting together healthy, satisfying, and delicious gluten-free meals. This is my little Keziah learning to be a Proverbs 31 Woman...A maiden of virture in training to care for her home and prepare healthy meals for her future family. PRICELESS!!!!

Tuna salad made with albacore tuna, red onions, celery, and diced eggs seasoned with celery seed, dill, and salt and pepper (we use Mayo with Olive Oil), farmer's market fresh tomato with homemade hummus, rice chips, and pitted plums...YUM-O

Corn tortillas covered in homemade hummus, fresh tomato, and orange salad (romaine lettuce, oranges, red onion, cucumber, and pecans...Dressing is made with fresh OJ and Red Wine Vinager).

A simple gluten-free lunch...Oatmeal, banana, walnut bars (make sure you read the ingredients...Not all oatmeal products are gluten-free) covered in All Natural Jif Peanut Butter, organic vegetable soup, strawberries with a touch of sugar (not that I advocate for sugar but every once in a while you just want a little treat) and a cold glass of rice milk, almond milk or water...

Aunt Charlene baked the kiddos some gluten-free brownies and mailed them to us ;-)

These are just a few examples of our menu plan. Some of my friends who are going gluten-free have asked me to post a few ideas for them to follow or use as a creative starter. We also eat chicken, fish, and some beef. One of our favorite beef meals is sliced and seasoned brisket served alongside of mashed potatoes and fresh green beans or roasted veggies, brown rice, and a little mango salsa. We dress up baked chicken by seasoning it with gluten-free seasoning and add some farmer's market sweet corn on the cob and fried green tomatoes. Salmon seasoned and baked or grilled is DELICIOUS!! We roast red onion, sweet red pepper, zucchini, squash, and asparagus in olive oil and oregano. I place the fish and veggies on top of brown rice and add some slivered almonds. Our dessert for those meals are usually banana splits with all the toppings!!! YUM-O

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kentucky Trip 2010 - A Week at Nana V's House

Our trip began on Monday at Nana V's house...We got to stay with her and wake up every morning and help her make breakfast. Tuesday morning, Nana V, Eden and Keziah made yummy pancakes!!!

We all got ready and headed over to Pawpaw's grave...The kiddos helped Nana cut some fresh flowers from her garden to put on Pawpaw's grave.

When we finished arranging the flowers, Corbyn prayed and thanked God for Pawpaw and the blessing he was to all of us. Sweet day!!!

After lunch, Nana V treated us to Toy Story 3 in 3D...Don't they look sporty in those glasses?!?!?!

Kentucky Trip 2010 - Hanging out with My Family

Tuesday night, we all hung out at my aunt's...Dinner, playtime, and celebrating Jessi's birthday. It was so good to see family ;-)

Kentucy Trip 2010 - Creation Museum

Nana V treated us to a trip to the Creation Museum. If you have never been, you should definetly go!!! It is a museum dedicated to the Biblical view of creation. There is also a Planetarium there that is FABULOUS!!! The children and I studied astronomy this past year in school so it was a very good field trip for them!!!

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