Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Poor Little Guy

My baby woke up this morning vomiting.  That has lasted all day long...This is where he stayed all day.  Woody was not feeling good either so he stayed right by Azaryah's side!!

School Time for Molly, Josefina, and Woody

Eden and Keziah designed a school room for their dolls, Molly and Josefina.  They even made school books for them.  Azaryah saw their creations and decided that Woody also needed a desk and some books.  Too Cute!!

Language Arts

 We are so blessed to have a one room type school house atmosphere once a week.  This past week, the little Ladybugs brought their dolls and enjoyed some girlie time after class.
 The American Girl Dolls are best of friends...
 Couldn't pass up the picture of Eden, Abigail, Keziah, and Emma Rose all matching!!!
 There are boys in the class too but they are not as eager to have their pictures taken!!!
Emma Rose, Andrew, Azaryah, and Kierra enjoy movies on the big screen and play time while the big kiddos have lessons.  Great times and great memories!


Every year, we attend the Symphony as one of our homeschool fieldtrips.  This year our group consisted of 80 people...It was so much fun!!

Keziah's Basketball 2011

 It's that time of year again!!  Basketball is in full swing and Glen is busy coaching Keziah's team, the Lady Bulldogs.  It is so precious that Glen takes the time to coach each of the children's sports.  Of course, Keziah's biggest fans are seated in the front row...Azaryah, Corbyn, Eden, Molly and Josephina (their American Girl dolls), and Mommy (taking the pictures).
 The team getting some last minute instructions...
 The program starts every game with prayer...
 Warm ups...Glen showing Keziah a few pointers....

 In action...Keziah is a pretty good little ball player!!  Guess who got a basket the very first game?!?!
That's my baby!!!

Legos with Eli

A couple weeks ago, Corbyn was blessed to have Eli come down after church and hang out.  The boys played Legos for hours on the new Lego Table.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

10 Years Ago Today...

Ten years ago today, the Lord moved our family from Kentucky out west.  I cannot believe how fast time has moved.  It seems like yesterday that Glen came home and told me that he had been promoted and the company was relocating us.  We sold the house, the movers came and packed and loaded all our belongings on a truck, and we bundled two little children up and headed to our new home.  I did not like the idea of leaving our family and friends and moving to an area where we knew no one.  It truly was a step of faith for both Glen and I.

Over the years, I have prayed that God would move us back to Kentucky.  At first, I was not thrilled with our new community and thought it was a real desert in our lives.  Today, as I reflect over the past ten years, I can see God's hand so clearly.  God knows exactly what we need and where we need to be.  This portion of our life has not always been easy and we have encountered many trails and heartaches along the way but I am so grateful for each experience because these are the events that the Lord has used to shape us and mold us into the man and woman HE desires us to be.

God's blessings have included a home that was perfect for us when our family consisted only of the four of us and then God moved us into a larger home closer to Glen's work when HE blessed us with two more children.  We have been able to continue homeschooling and have met wonderful homeschooling families who have befriended us, walked alongside of us, and encouraged us over the years.  We have a wonderful church home where our friends are like family as well as many opportunities that we may not have had elsewhere.  God also continues to teach us more about Himself and His love amazes us daily.

"For I know the thougths that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope" Jeremiah 29:11.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Snow 2010-2011

American Girl Doll Bunk Beds

 The night before my parents left the girls asked Pawpaw to build bunk beds for their new dolls.  Glen, Daddy, and the girls got to work...Keziah and Eden did a great job helping and they learned a lot!!
 So sweet to see my Daddy and Glen working together with the girls...
 The beds are made...Now to paint...

 This is what the beds looked like the next morning when Mama and Daddy left...The ladder still needed to be painted...
TADA!!!  The girls made pillows for their dolls and Glen's mom knitted both of the dolls a blanket!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Grandparents' Day 2010

 Every year, the children host a Grandparents' Day for Nana and Pawpaw while they are here visiting.  One of the blessings of homeschooling is being flexible and having our presentations on our schedule.  The children displayed some of their art, seatwork, activities accomplishments, and each of them did a couple of oral presentations.  Corbyn, Eden, and Keziah read one of their composition papers as well as recite James 1-2:11.  Azaryah read his favorite story Brown Bear Brown What do You See?  Corbyn concluded our evening with a demonstration of one of his favorite science experiments.
 The Art Gallery...Corbyn's art work is in a sketch pad so we did not hang them but he was able to show Nana and Pawpaw all his work.
 Eden and Corbyn's seat...This is Eden's Girl Scout vest with all her accomplishments for this year.
 This is Keziah's seat...This is her Girl Scout vest with all her accomplishments for this year.
 This is Azaryah's seat...This is his AWANA Cubbies' vest with displaying his hard work on Scripture memorization.
Nana and Pawpaw enjoying the evening...

Christmas Morning 2010

 Christmas Blessings...
 The Stockings...
 The kiddos waiting to come down to see what blessings they received...
 Azaryah got a Toy Story 3 Set and all the characters...
 Corbyn was blessed with the Lego Kingdom series set...It is going to look so cool on his Lego Table!!
 Keziah received Josefina...
 Eden received Molly...
 Mama and Daddy's stockings...
 Thanks Aunt Nette...
 Corbyn's Playstation...
 I finally got a new camera and a new SMALL video camera!!!!  They both fit in my pocket!!!
 The girls got the Loving Family Dollhouse and a bunch of furniture...
 Azaryah got more Batman characters and vehicles to go with his Batman set he got last year...
Both of my parents are so talented...Mama made a cross-stitch picture for me!!!  I found the PERFECT place for my picture to hang!!
Daddy painted another picture for me!!!  It has also found a wonderful new home on my wall...
One of Mama's gifts was a beautiful new coat...
One of Daddy's new gifts...Very handsome sports coat...
Mama and I made blankets for each of the children and for Glen...The children made Nana and Pawpaw blankets for Christmas last year...
Glen's big gift was a set of new golf clubs!!!  Guess who has a lot of golfing in his future!!!!
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker