Sunday, January 11, 2009

Basketball Season has Begun!!

Coach Jones and Coach House guided the boys through a series of warm-up moves to prepare for the game...

The fans were out bright and early for the game yesterday...The game began at 8:00am!! I do not think the birds were up on Saturday morning as we left home to travel 45 minutes to the game!! heehee

Before each game, both teams and their coaches kneel for prayer thanking God for their abilities and talents and focusing the teams on the purpose of the game - to bring honor and glory to the Lord God.

That's my boy!!! Guess who scored two baskets during the game yesterday?!?! And guess who was yellin' "GO BOO BOO!" heehee (He loves hearing his Mama cheer him on!!)

1 comment:

Its So Very Cheri said...


We sure wish we were there so you guys could play on the same team together but we sure don't miss that cold weather.

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