Thursday, February 26, 2009

Toby, Toby, Toby

Aunt Charlene bought a little puppy, Toby, while visiting in Kentucky. The children had a blast playing with him!! He is so cute and of course Charlene has clothes, a coat, and a carrier for him that is way too cute. He accompanied us on our outing on Tuesday and he loved running in the backyard with all four of the kiddos running around after him...Guess what the kiddos want!?!?! Guess what Daddy said?!?! "NO!!" ;-(


Tracy said...

That is one cute puppy!

Tracy Moore

Cathy Lotz said...

Our kiddos want a puppy too. We've been looking, but nothing so far.

Penelope's Updates said...

Hi Michelle,
Your children are beautiful! It's been so nice to connect with everyone again through facebook!
Take care,

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