Thursday, September 30, 2010

Week Two of our One Room School House...

This week, the class was held in our home...Another great day of Language Arts taught by Mrs. House...The kiddos LOVE her and Cahrrie, Beth and I enjoy watching her work while we sit and relax!!! heehee

While the big kids are in class, the little guys play and enjoy...

Friday, September 24, 2010

One Room School House...Lessons

Today, we began a new adventure in our homeschooling. We joined 4 other families for a One Room School House that will meet once a week for Language Arts. Susan will be teaching our children Spell to Write and Read, Shurley Grammer, Wordly Wise Vocabulary, Composition, and Literature. While Susan teaches, Beth, Cahrrie, Kim,and I take notes and learn alongside our children.

Today, was VERY successful and went smoothly!!! What a blessing to have other families to come alongside us and encouarge us in homeschooling!!! God is so gracious to give us precious friends!!!

One Room School House...Playtime

Out of the 5 families, we have 4 little ones under the age of 4 years old so while the big kiddos are in class the 4 little ones play and enjoy socializing...After lunch, the little ones are joined by Andrew (5 years)...

No One Room School House experience would be complete without a picnic lunch and play time!!!!

While the children play, the Mama's chat!!! WHEW!!! Rest time for us ;-)

We had such a good day!!!! Already looking forward to next Friday!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An Evening with the Summers

Last night, Pastor Mike and Karen came over for dinner. We had a wonderful time...Fun, food, and fellowship!!! We LOVE the Summer family!!! Their friendship is such a blessing to us!!

Kalena blessed our girls by changing her plans so she could come over and play with the Eden and Keziah!!!

Corbyn and Azaryah had a blast playing with Marcus!!!

It truly is a gift from God to have sweet friends!!!

Surprise Picnic

Monday night, Glen worked until 2:15 am...The kiddos and I were missing him so we decided to change our plans on Tuesday and surprise him with a picnic lunch in his office...Fun Memories ;-)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Patriots vs. Vikings

I have not been to a high school football game in years!! Last night, Cahrrie came down so she and I could join Beth at Beth's sons' game...We had a BLAST!!!! The Patriots won 22 to 7!!!! WHOO HOO!!!! (Must have been because Jack and Grant had the biggest cheering section!!!! heehee)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Gena Do...

This week, I had the blessing of seeing Gena...She gave me one of her famous "Gena Dos"...Short in the back and longer in the front!! She is a wonderful hairstylist and a PRECIUOS FRIEND!!!

Azaryah saw the camera and wanted me to take a picture of him giving me a kiss...OF COURSE, I LOVED THAT!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy 14th Birthday My Love!!!!

Corbyn turned 14 this weekend...We celebrated by camping together and having his family party at the campsite but we could not allow him to miss his Birthday Breakfast in Bed ;-)

Corbyn's Camping Trip...The Campsite

Corbyn asked Glen if we could all go camping to celebrate his 14th birthday. We packed up and headed out for a wonderful weekend of fun, celebration, and just pure relaxation!!! God really blessed us with a PERFECT weekend and GORGEOUS weather!!!

Corbyn's Camping Trip...Corbyn's Party

I cannot believe my baby is 14 years old!!! WOW!!! Corbyn was so excited to have his family birthday party at the campsite...He got lots of fun gifts and he had one of the best cakes we have ever eatten!!!!

Corbyn's Camping Trip...Family Fun

One of the wonderful blessings the children experience while we are camping is a little more freedom. We always choice a campsite that is more private and away from traffic...This allows the children freedom to ride their bikes on the road without fear of people driving by and hitting them.

Corbyn's Camping Trip...Keziah with NO Training Wheels

While we were camping, Keziah wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle with no training wheels...She did WONDERFULLY and is now a bike riding expert ;-)

Corbyn's Camping Trip...Campfire Fun

Corbyn's Camping Trip...Sunday

I LOVE this man!!! He is my best friend!!!!

One of my favorite things about our family camping trips is Glen's breakfast!!! He makes the best bacon, eggs, and toast!!! Sunday, he had a little helper!!! One day, Azaryah will be doing this for his family!!!


After breakfast, we walked along the lake, rode bicycles, played games, and just relaxed in the gorgeous sun!!!
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker