Monday, September 6, 2010

1st Day of Homeschool 2010-2011

We started this year's homeschool on Monday, August 30th...God has blessed our family with the privilege of homeschooling since our oldest, Corbyn, was 3 years old. It truly is one of the biggest joys in my life and it is even sweeter that my husband and our children love that we homeschool!!!

This year is Azaryah's firt formal year of school. He just turned 4 years old so he is now working on Pre-K. He was SOOOOO excited about joining his siblings in the school room this year and having "home work".

Our sweet Eden is entering the 5th grade...She is doing so well and is very encouraging to her brothers and sister.

Our precious Corbyn is entering the 8th grade...He is a Jr. High student now!!! WHERE DOES THE TIME GO!?!?! He is so intelligent and could probably work completely independantly at this point but we prefer to work directly with our children and they really want to have that one-on-one time.

Our sweet Keziah is entering the 3rd grade. She is very excited about studying American history this year. She really enjoys the early explorers and hearing about all their trials and victories.

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