Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Day 2010

 We had the blessing of celebrating Thanksgiving with some precious friends, who are more like family than friends.  Dave and Beth opened their home to our family and Kevin and Cahrrie's family.  The house was full, the food was delicious, and the fellowship was priceless!!

 Dave and Glen are hilarious!!!  They love one another...Can you tell?!?!?! heehee
 Cahrrie, Me, and Beth...I LOVE LOVE LOVE these Ladybugs!!!
 The Guys...Bill had slipped out before I could snap a picture with him and all the guys...
 Cahrrie and her Mama, Eadie...
Mary-Kate and Beth...
 Hannah Grace, Abigail, Keziah, Cassadie, Kailey, and Eden...Best Friends!!

 Dave's parents...Precious couple!!
 The younger kiddos...Gabe, Azaryah, Andrew, Abigail, Emma Rose, Eden, and Kailey
 Cahrrie's parents and Bill (Beth's daddy)
 Some of the boys...Grant, Jonathan, Corbyn, Gabe, Andrew, and Azaryah...
 Beth's daddy playing with the two youngest boys...They had a blast!!!
 Johnathan, Corbyn, and Jack...Our football stars...
 The Ladybugs...Eadie, Mary-Kate, Cahrrie, Michelle, Beth, Bonnie, Mrs. Layman, and Emma Rose
 The Layman family and both sets of their grandparents...
 One of the beautifully decorated tables...Beth is the "Hostess with the Mostess" ;-)

 The kiddos enjoyed a pinata after we got the kitchen cleaned up and the guys had watched LOTS of football...
It was a wonderful day!!  We have so much to be thankful for!!!!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Veggie Tales Concert

 Glen and I surprised Azaryah by taking him to the Veggie Tale concert while it was in town.  Azaryah was THRILLED to be alone with Daddy and Mommy, to see Veggie Tales, and to have supper out!!!

 This is the face Azaryah made when the Veggie Tales walked out on stage...We were a little too close and the Veggie Tales were a little too big!!!  He was unsure of these HUGE talking vegetables ;-)

 It did not take him long to warm up to the idea of huge veggies!!! heehee  Daddy bought him a shirt and thus began the dancing!!!!

We all had a WONDERFUL time!!!!  "If you like to talk to tomatoes...." ;-)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lucy and Ethel

Yesterday, Beth and I took off after church for some lunch, some catching up, and some Christmas shopping.  We had a BLAST!!  Seems like whenever we are together we get ourselves into funny messes that no one else seems to get into...Yesterday, as we were hurrying around to finish our shopping, get Beth a coffee so she could re-energize, and get her back to church on time, I dropped my ring into the trash can at Panera!!  Needless to say, it was a hilarious moment of me trying to get my ring without "touching" anything in the trash!!! heehee  Beth and I were cracking up as I fished through that trash...FINALLY retrieving my ring, SCRUBBING my hands, and dropping her off to church late!!!!  When Pastor Mike heard about our little adventure, he just shook his head and laughed...Seems like anyone who knows us has come to expect some very odd events to occur!!  Just call us Lucy and Ethel ;-)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thank You For Serving

The children and I surprised Glen on Veterans Day with lunch and a cake...Glen served our country in the Navy for 10 years and served during Desert Storm. Thank You, Babe, for sacrificing so we can live in a free land!!!  We love you!!!

Night Out with the Luckenbills

 Last night, Don and Amy introduced us to Bocce...We had a BLAST!!!!

 Don...Showing us how it is done...
 Amy...Showing us her technique...
 Glen...Being VERY handsome...Oh, and he is good at Bocce too ;-)
 Me...Such form...LOL
Ladybugs were GREEN and the Men were RED...Who's ball is closest to the Jack (the white ball)?!?!?!  LADYBUGS!!!  The men actually were only 1 point behind us but somehow I failed to take a picture of their ball being closest to the Jack ;-)
We had a great time!!!  Good Food + Fun Friends + Bocce = GREAT MEMORIES!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Plummer Family

Friday night, the Plummer family came down for dinner...Bill and Christina and Scott, Loralee, Joel, and Isaac.  God is so gracious to allow us to have such sweet friends!!!  Joel and Azaryah are big buddies!!  So fun to watch them enjoy one another ;-)

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker