Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Day 2010

 We had the blessing of celebrating Thanksgiving with some precious friends, who are more like family than friends.  Dave and Beth opened their home to our family and Kevin and Cahrrie's family.  The house was full, the food was delicious, and the fellowship was priceless!!

 Dave and Glen are hilarious!!!  They love one another...Can you tell?!?!?! heehee
 Cahrrie, Me, and Beth...I LOVE LOVE LOVE these Ladybugs!!!
 The Guys...Bill had slipped out before I could snap a picture with him and all the guys...
 Cahrrie and her Mama, Eadie...
Mary-Kate and Beth...
 Hannah Grace, Abigail, Keziah, Cassadie, Kailey, and Eden...Best Friends!!

 Dave's parents...Precious couple!!
 The younger kiddos...Gabe, Azaryah, Andrew, Abigail, Emma Rose, Eden, and Kailey
 Cahrrie's parents and Bill (Beth's daddy)
 Some of the boys...Grant, Jonathan, Corbyn, Gabe, Andrew, and Azaryah...
 Beth's daddy playing with the two youngest boys...They had a blast!!!
 Johnathan, Corbyn, and Jack...Our football stars...
 The Ladybugs...Eadie, Mary-Kate, Cahrrie, Michelle, Beth, Bonnie, Mrs. Layman, and Emma Rose
 The Layman family and both sets of their grandparents...
 One of the beautifully decorated tables...Beth is the "Hostess with the Mostess" ;-)

 The kiddos enjoyed a pinata after we got the kitchen cleaned up and the guys had watched LOTS of football...
It was a wonderful day!!  We have so much to be thankful for!!!!!!

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