Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our Library is AWESOME!!

Our library is AWESOME!!  It has been newly renovated and it really looks great.  Tuesday was the first time we have had Storytime in the regular room since before Christmas.  The children loved being back in the room with fun paintings on the walls and their size tables!
 Azaryah and his Storytime buddies, Shayne and Garrett...
 Azaryah's Valentine Day craft...

Here is a Sneak Peek at our newly renovated library...

 The Teen Cave is not quite finished...Next week, it will look like a Cafe' complete with computers, comfy seating, and a bevealed glass partition...Corbyn is looking forward to hanging out there while Azaryah has Storytime each week!!
The adult area of the library...Not quite finished either but next week should have all the items in  place and ready for all of us to enjoy!!

1 comment:

Emma said...

Wow!!! That looks awesome! Libraries all around the world should be more like that.

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