Monday, July 25, 2011

Visit with Nana and Pawpaw - 2011

This summer, the children and I packed up and headed to Nana and Pawpaw's for a week and a half of fun fun fun.  The first night of our travel, we enjoyed a hotel with a pool, some pizza in the room, and a House Hunters marathon.

These two pictures were taken the second morning before we pulled out of the hotel parking lot...The kiddos are all snuggled in and ready for a relaxing day of reading, watching movies, and napping.
We stopped at a rest stop somewhere between here and there for a picnic lunch...

As soon as we arrived at Nana and Pawpaw's, Mom surprised the girls with a dress she had made for their American Girl dolls.  The material was from a formal dress that I wore when I was in high school.  Sweet memories!

While we were visiting, the kiddos enjoyed a little puppy that would come to visit as well as a few kittens that lived down the road at my aunt's home.  Here Uncle Ed is enjoying the kiddos and the kittens ;-)
Every year, Mom and Daddy save their coins so they can cash them in when we come to visit.  This is the spending money they use for fun activities.

One family tradition that we have is that Daddy and Mama take us all swimming and then stop at a fun little local gas station for an ice cream.  I love little things like this...
Of course, we headed over to Mama's work so we could get all the Girl Scout items the girls will need for this year...I cannot believe that Keziah will be a Junior Girl Scout and Eden will be a Cadet!!!
No visit with Nana and Pawpaw is complete without worshiping with them at their church...All dressed up and ready to go...

We always visit the week of VBS...The above pictures are some fun snapshots of their time at VBS with the friends that they see each year. 
This year, we took the children to our family grave site so they could learn more about our family...
One evening, while the younger three were at VBS, we joined Uncle Rocky and Aunt Daisy, Uncle Ed, and Aunt Lou for dinner at Frisch's...Happy Birthday Uncle Ed ;-)

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