Thursday, November 3, 2011

Harvest Fun...

Saturday, Glen and I took the kiddos to a Harvest Party at the home of one of Azaryah's Storytime Buddies.  There is always lots of fun, food, and games.  Azaryah enjoyed blindfolding me and leading me through a haystack maze...Very interesting journey!!
 One of our favorite games is Racing on the Haybales...I race but for some reason I never win!!
Mommy doing cheerleading moves on the hay bales!!! heehee  Maybe that is why I never win...I am too busy goofing off!! lol
 Keziah, Eden, and Sage...Sweet Girlie Friends...
Two of my favorite men!!!
There is always an Egg Throwing Contest...This year, Azaryah and his buddy, Garrett, were partners.  They did great!!  Neither of them had a drop of egg on them BUT the people beside them were covered in eggs!!!! HILARIOUS!!!
Azaryah, Lucien, and Garrett...Storytime Buds...
Monday night, the Dowling Family joined us for a walk around the neighborhood...We had pioneer girls, Pippy Long-stockings, a cowboy, an Angry Bird, and Robin...TOO FUN!!!
 Michelle and Mara...Love this Ladybug!!!
Glen and Brian...They are too funny together!!!  Good Friends are true blessings from the Lord!!

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