Friday, February 24, 2012

The Science of Sound Symphony

Glen escorted Azaryah and I to the Symphony this past week.  It was a very special day for Azaryah because he had Glen and I all to himself.  We dressed up and attended The Science of Sound (which was fabulous) then Glen took us to one of our favorite resturaunts for lunch.  It was a great day with two of my favorite man!!

Azaryah was so cute...When I told him that Daddy was going to take him and myself to the Symphony and then out to lunch, he was bouncing around doing his WHOO HOO dance.  Then I told him we were going to dress up he was even more excited (which surprised me because he normally does not want to dress in his church clothes).

The morning of the Symphony, Azaryah ran into my room to get dressed and his WHOO HOO turned into BOO HOO!  When I asked him what was wrong he said, "Mommy, you said we were going to dress up...Where is my Batman costume?"  Poor Little Guy...He thought he was going to the Symphony dressed as Batman!! LOL

Mommy's Special Day

My family wanted to bless me on my birthday so they treated me to an entire day of pampering. Glen told me not to plan any school lessons on my birthday because the children had been planning my special day for months.  The day began with homemade pancakes served to me in bed!
All 4 of my special blessings!!!
Eden, Keziah, and Azaryah put on a show for me while Corbyn videoed the entire thing...
Each child made a birthday card for me...I LOVE homemade cards from my little loves!
The children gathered some of their favorite games and we played those for hours...
At lunch, the children scurried into the kitchen and made a delicous lunch for me and served it to me on the couch...Then we had a carpet picnic and watched an episode of Chopped.
Spa Day in our home...All four kiddos had a part and each one pampered me.
Eden gave me a facial, did my make-up, and my hair...
Azaryah massaged my hands and feet after he soaked them in warm water...
Corbyn gave me a head, neck, and shoulder massage...
Keziah did my mani-pedi...
While I was in the "Spa", each child worked with Glen in our kitchen to make an entire Italian meal from scratch...
They decorated our dining room to look like an elegant resturaunt...
They all dressed in their Sunday clothes and waited for me to come to dinner...By the way, the children also picked out my dress and jewelry!!
Me after my Spa Day...I am truly blessed beyond measure and more than I deserve!!
My gifts and the homemade cake...
My blessings and a surprise gift that was left on our porch...I LOVE serveware so the kiddos asked Glen to get me 2 new pitchers, a new serving dish, and a baking dish...A ladybug was in the surprise gift!!
Thank you Lord for blessing me with  my precious family!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Daddy/Daughter Dance February 2012

Father/Daugther Dance Quotes:
Eden said, "Daddy makes all my dreams come true!"
Keziah said, "This was the best night of my whole life!"
Corbyn said, "Girls, you look so pretty!"
Azaryah said, "WOW! You look like princesses!"
Glen said, "I love my girls more than words can express!"
Mommy did not say anything because she was too busy crying happy tears!

Thank You, Lord, for the blessings in our lives!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Science Experiments...

This morning, our science included planting Radishes and a multitude of herbs...Cilantro, Parsley, Thyme, Sweet Basil, Oregano, and Sage.

Corbyn is researching how evironmental factors affect the phenotype of an organisim.

The three younger ones are charting the growth of the seed.
Azaryah is drawing his shapes and writing their names.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our Karate Kid

Last night, Azaryah received his Tae Kwon Do uniform and was one happy boy!!  He has only been in TKD for 6 weeks but he is really doing well.  His instructors are impressed and I am amazed at how quickly he is learning.  He gets this biggest grin on his face when I tell him he is one of my heros!  He loves to protect his Mama ;-)

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker