Friday, February 24, 2012

The Science of Sound Symphony

Glen escorted Azaryah and I to the Symphony this past week.  It was a very special day for Azaryah because he had Glen and I all to himself.  We dressed up and attended The Science of Sound (which was fabulous) then Glen took us to one of our favorite resturaunts for lunch.  It was a great day with two of my favorite man!!

Azaryah was so cute...When I told him that Daddy was going to take him and myself to the Symphony and then out to lunch, he was bouncing around doing his WHOO HOO dance.  Then I told him we were going to dress up he was even more excited (which surprised me because he normally does not want to dress in his church clothes).

The morning of the Symphony, Azaryah ran into my room to get dressed and his WHOO HOO turned into BOO HOO!  When I asked him what was wrong he said, "Mommy, you said we were going to dress up...Where is my Batman costume?"  Poor Little Guy...He thought he was going to the Symphony dressed as Batman!! LOL

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