Trisha and I have been best of friends since Glen and I moved here 8 years ago. From the moment Trisha and I met, we were best friends!! Our families have walked through many fires, trials, and celebrations together. Two years ago, Jim and Trisha moved to Arizona. Saying "good-bye" to them was one of the hardest things we have had to do. It is so fun having Trisha in our home for a few days!!!
Holly, Michelle, Susan, and Trisha
Last night, a few of us got together to look at the new line of Premeire jewelry...We had a wonderful time of visiting, eating, and trying on jewelry...I have not seen Trisha "in action" for a long time. It was so fun watching her work and having her give all of us fashion tips ;-)
Of course, Trisha and I stayed up late chatting...Here is a picture of Trisha all tucked in and ready for bed at Hotel Jones...Doesn't she look comfy?!?!
This is me aggravating Trisha while she is trying to sleep...I had to take more pictures, ya know!!! heehee