Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chores, Chores, Chores Galore...

Each week, all the children have chores they are responsible for...Each of them make their own beds, put toys away and help pick up dishes after they eat. There are also chores that rotate each week. This week, Eden was responsible for sweeping the entire house. She did a WONDERFUL job ;-)

This week, Corbyn is the dish washer...I love when he has that chore because he sings the entire time he is washing the dishes!!! So sweet and he has a really good voice.

Azaryah usually has a feather duster and he dusts the furniture but I did not have an extra one today so he got to wash the kitchen cabinets. Believe it or not, Azaryah LOVES when he has a chore to do...He says he is "so big!!"

Keziah's responsiblity this week was to dust the entire house and mop the bathroom floors...She did that task very well.

Daddy and Mommy are very proud of our little helpers...Great attitudes and wonderful workers ;-)

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