Saturday, October 23, 2010

Holiday Mart 2010

 Each year Holiday Mart rolls into the Convention Center and thousands of ladies swarm all the fun booths hoping to find gift ideas, crafts ideas, and a few perfect gifts.  This year, Cahrrie, Mary-Kate, Beth, Me, and Cathy went together.  We meet at 3:30 in the afternoon and I pulled into my driveway at 1:00 am!!!  We Ladybugs know how to shop, eat, and fellowship!!! heehee
 Cathy, Mary-Kate, and Beth...So cute!!!  What have they found now?!?!?  Something good!!!
 Cahrrie and I each found a fun and unique shirt and Cahrrie helped me find the PERFECT PURSE!!!
 LOVED all the Christmas decorations...Only 2 months and 2 days away!!!!
 We literally visited the same ring booth 4 times!!!  We each found a ring but just could not decide whether or not to purchase them.  Eventually, Beth did buy a great ring with her birthday money and my mother-in-law bought me a gorgeous ring for Christmas (but she said I can wear it now!!!)
Our evenng concluded at Cheesecake Factory...Cahrrie headed home for Family Night while the rest of us visited for 2 1/2 more hours enjoying some yummy food and OF COURSE some delicious cheesecake...GREAT DAY and EVENING!!!  LOVE LOVE LOVE these Ladybugs!!!!

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