Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ladies' Retreat 2010

 The theme for this year's retreat was "A Woman Who Seeks God."  What a blessing it was to gather together with women who love the Lord, their husbands, their children, and one another!!!  The teaching was inspiring, the testimonies were pure reflections of God's power, authority, and complete sovereignty!! 

The weekend began when we meet at the hotel around 4:00 to check in, get settled, and then walk to dinner before our first session.  There was 8 of us who shared a room so we had a suite with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a combined living, dining, kitchen area.

 Cahrrie, Kimberly, and I shared the king size bed, Susan had a comfy cot in this room, Mary-Kate had her own blow-up bed in the living room, and Beth, Cathy, and Carol each had their own bed in the other room.  We had a BLAST!!!!!
 The seven of us walked to Brio's for dinner (Cathy was not able to arrive until after dinner).  We laughed, chatted, ate, and laughed some more...This is truly a fun group of Ladybugs!!
 SLUMBER PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 The girlies were not thrilled with my photo session at 1:30 am ;-)  We had so much fun eating snacks, laughing together, and getting to know one another even better!!!  Morning came early but the breakfast was delicious, the testimonies were wonderful, and the fellowship was precious!!!!

Miss Sharon, along with some other ladies, have decided to hide my camera next year!!! heehee  Thank You, Lord, for the blessing You gave each of us this weekend!!

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