Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mini-Vacation at the Layman Homestead

This past weekend, we had the blessing of hanging out at the Layman's home.  While Dave and Beth took their 4 oldest children on a ski trip, Glen and I watched the 5 younger kiddos.  We got to experience what it is like to have 9 children!  It was GREAT!!!

The children had so much fun.  Of course, the girls played with their American Girl dolls for HOURS!  Too cute!!!
 Andrew and Azaryah...So fun to watch them play...All boy all the time!!!
Early Saturday morning, Glen took Corbyn, Jonathan, and Gabe fishing down at the Layman's pond.  They had a very good time.

 When the big boys finished fishing with Mr. Jones, it was the little guys time with him.  Ping-Pong!!  The little guys won!!  Maybe next time you can score, Mr. Jones!!
 Meanwhile, the girls continued doing all the fun things little ladybugs do...Mani and Pedis...
 The three big boys squeezed in some computer fun...We did not stay in long...Back to the great outdoors!!

 Saturday afternoon, Gabe began to feel yucky ;-(  Poor Little Guy!!!  He was in bed most of Sunday...
We all had a great time together!!  Thanks Dave and Beth for trusting Glen and I with 5 of your most precious blessings!! We love you all VERY MUCH!!!

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