Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Small Group

Our Small Group is a HUGE blessing to Glen and I.  No matter what, this group of people are there for us.  We pray together, cry together, laugh together, rejoice together, walk through the good and bad times, and hold one another accountable.  PRICELESS!!
 No matter how many miles may separate us, our hearts are knitted together by the Lord!!  We have decided that our small group will have skype so the Corprews can join us!!! ;-)
Corbyn, Jacob, Grant, Jake, Azaryah, and Matthew...Tyler and Bryant are in this group of buddies but they run from the camera!!
 Abigail, Hannah Grace, Cassadie, Kailey, Eden, and Keziah...Forever friends!!
 Susan and Carol...
 The Men...Shayne, Glen, Dave, Robert, Rob, and Kevin...Pastor Mike and Karen had to run after the first picture.  I think they may have planned that!!! heehee
The Ladybugs...Cahrrie, Beth, Susan, Carol, Kim and Michelle.  (Karen had to scoot after our group picture.)

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