Thursday, October 16, 2008


AWANAS is a wonderful program that our children have enjoyed over the years. Corbyn began AWANAS when he was 3 years old and continued until he completed the Sparks portion in the second grade. Eden followed at 3 years old and also completed the Sparks portion in the 2rd grade. They have learned and recited several hundred verses. Each of them earned all their patches in Cubbies and their crowns, jewels, patches, trophy and all their pins for completing extra workbooks in Sparks.

Glen and I love AWANAS because it not only teaches the children God's Word, but does so in such a way that creates a LOVE for God's Word and an understanding that comes from learning and living, not merely memorizing the Scriptures.

Keziah is now working through her 2nd book in Sparks. She, like her siblings, began Cubbies at 3 years old and will complete Sparks next year. Tonight, she recited 13 verses to her teachers. Way to Go, Keziah!!! Azaryah will join his big sissy next year, entering his first year of AWANAS as a Cubbie.

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