Don't let these pictures fool ya...We all look so sweet and CALM, but when we are all together it is more like animals at the zoo!!! Heehee There is a lot of running, jumping, loud voices (at least from the Jones family), and lots of love, laughter, and smiles!!
Trisha and I love one another but make no mistake, we can have and have had our disagreements...She ALWAYS thinks she is right and I ALWAYS know I am right, so that does pose a problem from time to time!! Shh...Don't tell her I said that ;-)
Can anyone say SLUMBER PARTY!?!?! Both the Brown Family and the Jones Family have Friday slumber party nights...When we are all together, we all pile up on the couch, watch old movies or classic TV, eat popcorn, TALK a lot, and then when it is time to sleep, the girls go in one room and the boys in the other.
Henry and Corbyn are buddies through and through...Although, Corbyn is several years older than Henry, he LOVES to play with Henry. Corbyn says "Henry is SOOO fun." Henry LOVES Corbyn and wants to be just like him...That is great in most ways, but every once in awhile, Trisha will call me and say, "Henry just did such and such and when he was corrected, Henry said, "Well, Corbyn does it!!" I just respond and say, "Well, Trisha, if Corbyn does it then it must be fine because I think Corbyn's perfect!!!"
Talk about TWO PEAS IN A POD!!! Sam and Eden think alike, talk alike, act alike...They both think the other is wonderful. Sam and Eden say they are going to marry when they are older, but that is NOT a discussion that either family allows at this point!! Not that we would mind it WAAAAAAY in the future, but at 8 years old, we need to keep our hearts and minds focused on growing in Christ and living for Him...Resting in the promise that the Lord will faithfully lead each of them in the direction HE has for them ;-)
Good Morning, Sleepy Heads...This picture was taken right before Glen and Jim took Sam, Henry, Corbyn and Eden hiking in the desert, while Miss Trisha, Mommy, Keziah and Azaryah relaxed in the comforts of home ;-)
My dear Michelle...and everyone else who knows us....I wouldn't say I THINK I am always right, I would say I USUALLY AM right!! That is a more accurate statement, seriously...! :-)
For real, botom line, either way, right or wrong, God has blessed us with a special bond that allows us to be REAL, TRANSPARANT with each other no matter what "it" is or where we are. I am thankful.
(I'm also thankful that He USUALLY allows ME to be right!) JK! :-)
Love you!
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