Saturday, October 4, 2008

GO Lions!!

Today was Game Day for the Lions. We all geared up to watch our favorite team. Here is the Winning Bunch...

Watch our for this group of parent fans. We can get pretty rowdy cheering our boys on to victory. I have even been known to holler, "GO Boo!!" Corbyn does not mind me calling him "Boo" except from the sidelines while he is running in a touchdown...He says it does not make him sound very tough :-)

Miss Natalie is a dear friend of our family. Long before she entered college and made a lot of new friends, she was our regular sitter. Our family loves her and she will always be a part of our family.

Corbyn's face lit up when he realized Miss Natalie was on the sidelines cheering him on :-)

Miss Natalie was busy cheering on Corbyn and playing with Eden, Keziah, and Azaryah...The girls were busy finding rocks and showing Miss Natalie and Azaryah all their "treasures".

Here are our star players: Grant, Garrett, and Corbyn. Grant, Garrett and Corbyn have been on the same basketball, soccer, and football teams for the past several years. Basketball and soccer will not be the same this year without them.

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