Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Boys...

Today began with worshipping with our church family. After church, Glen blessed us with a lunch out!!! Then he took us to Toys R Us so the children could make their "wish list"...We allow them to pick out 5 things to put on their list but they understand only 1 or 2 things will be chosen ;-) After a long morning, we all settled in our home for some much needed rest time. Once everyone was rested, the boys took off downstairs to play in the playroom...What a precious sight to see - Corbyn is such a wonderful big brother and Azaryah LOVES him. Glen and I praise the Lord that HE has established in all of our children such a love and enjoyment of one another.

Azaryah loves playing with Corbyn's toys that he had when he was Azaryah's age...Today, Corbyn got out his dinosaur tower and all the little men and dinosaurs..Too cute, they have been playing for about 2 hours now ;-)

Friday, November 14, 2008

New Friends ;-)

Today, the children and I had the blessing of forming new friendships.

Michele and her two daughters came to our home for some playtime and lunch. Michele and I know one another from church and have spent some time enjoying one another; however, we both wanted to get to know one another better.

While Corbyn and two of his friends were spending time together at the library, the girls and Azaryah got to play with Kenda and Lexi...

The children and I were sad to see our friends leave...God is so good to bring such precious people into our lives ;-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Friends are Such a Wonderful Addition to our Family...

Tonight, we had the blessing of having dinner with some very dear friends, Scott, Loralee and Joel...

Joel and Azaryah became fast friends the first time they meet at church...Can you tell that they play hard when they are together?!?! heehee

Glen really enjoys Scott...We all had such a good time laughing and talking this evening.

Loralee is such a precious gift to me...She and I starting chatting the first time we were together at a friend's house and we have not stopped chatting since ;-)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fun with Grandparents

This is Glen's mother, Vilma...I tell her all the time that I could not have asked for a better mother-in-law!! She blesses our family is some many ways and our children LOVE spending time with her. This picture was taken this summer when she took us bowling...That was a blast!!!

This summer, the children and I spent time at Mama and Daddy's while we were visiting. While Corbyn, Eden and Keziah were attending Vacation Bible School at Mom and Daddy's church, Azaryah kept Pawpaw busy in the yard playing soccer.

My Sissy

This is my sister, Annette...She is so much fun!!! She is truly one of the funniest people I know.

These are Annette's two boys, Austin and Noah...Hard to believe our children are growing up in seperate states. There was a time all of us lived in the same neighborhood and got to see one another every day!!!

My Daddy, The Artist

Daddy's small business has provided for his family for more than 35 years. He hand paints signs, billboards, banners, window fronts, race cars, gym floors and about anything else that you need a sign for...

This is a gym floor that he painted while the children and I were visiting this summer. He had surgery just about 6 weeks before this job, yet he was still able to get on his hands and knees and hand paint the floor before the students returned for the new year...The children and I had the blessing of watching him complete this from the first draft to the finished product. Corbyn, Eden, and Keziah all have a love for art and they are all very talented...Eden says when she grows up she is going to be an artist just like her Pawpaw ;-)

In his spare time, he paints pictures of all kinds. This is his display wall in their home...

This past week, Daddy entered two of his paintings in a local art show and won 2nd place on both pieces...Good Job, Daddy

Aren't They Cute?!?!

Mom and Daddy are preparing to celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary in November. Our entire family (both my mother's sisters and their families, my sister's family, our family, three of my mother's cousin's famililes and a few of my Daddy's brother's and sister's families) is going to invade their home and celebrate Thanksgiving together and then take time to celebrate what God has done through the years in their marriage. One HUGE miracle is that my parents actually survived raising my sister and I!!! That was a major task in and of itself...Especially my sister!!! heehee (Just joking, Annette!!)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lazy Days...

Today is a lazy day in our household...Glen and Corbyn left bright and early this mornin' to help with the Work Day at church. The girls, Azaryah, and I are home finishing up a few things from last week.

I could not resist taking this picture because it is RARE that Azaryah is still and content just watching a movie...This morning, he asked to do his "schoolwork" and watch Dora the Explorer...Of course, I gladly agreed!!! Wouldn't you know, as I am typing this, I just heard the entire basket of toys being dumped out!!! Oh, well, at least I have a picture of Azaryah being so sweet and calm!!! Glen will NEVER believe it unless I show him the "proof"!! heehee

Friday, November 7, 2008

All I Want for Christmas...

Is my 2 front teeth!!!

Today, Keziah lost her 2nd top, front tooth...
What a big girl she is gettin' to be ;-)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Friends Make a Fieldtrip Lots of Fun

What a fun group of friends we had the blessing of spending the day with today...

Apple Pickin'

Our day began with casting our vote...When we got to the poll, there was a site set up for the children to "vote" as well. After they cast their votes and placed their "I Voted" sticker on their shirts, we headed off to meet some friends at an apple orchard for some fun in the sun!!

Corbyn was the "big" helper...He was the tallest so he got the job of carrying the picker for the top of the trees. We kept him busy gathering apples that we could not reach...He is such a helpful young man!!!

Keziah carefully looked over all the apples she picked to make sure there were NO worms ;-)

Here are our four apple pickers...They each did a wonderful job gathering the apples and carrying that heavy bucket all over the orchard.

What an expression!! heehee Can you tell which one of our children is not really the "outdoor" type!?!? Eden made sure all her apples were washed thoroughly before eating...

Azaryah LOVED our trip today...He ate 6 apples while we walked along the paths. I could not believe how well he did reaching up and pulling off the apples...Of course, most of his apples ended up in his tummy and NOT in our bucket.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Harvest Fun

Our 2 Darth Vaders...Corbyn had planned on wearing his Jack Sparrow costume from last year; however, when Nana V noticed that the other three children had new costumes, she surprised Corbyn with a Darth Vader costume. Thanks, Nana V ;-)

Our 2 Little Ladies dressed as a tiger and a leopard...Too cute!!

Some friends came to walk around with us...Corbyn, Darth Vader, Tyler, the robber, and Bryant, Indiana Jones...

What A Crew!!!

It did not take Azaryah long to catch on to the whole "candy thing"...Last year, he just watched the older three from his stroller. This year, he was not sure what was going on until the first piece of candy was dropped into his pumpkin...Let me just say, after that, guess who was the first in line and the one yelling, "OOOOHHHH" after each piece of candy!?!?!
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