Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Miracles

This year, Corbyn joined a basketball team, The Miracles.  He enjoyed the basketball season which ended in an all day tournament.  The Miracles played three of the four games and came in 5th.  They really did a great job and Glen and I really enjoyed watching him play!!!  My boy got several baskets and after each one he would look over at his Daddy and I with a huge smile!!!  Love it!!!

Girlie Fun

Beth, Susan, Cahrrie, and I got our girlies together for a night of fun, food, and fellowship.  The evening was so much fun.  We all hung out in Beth's basement...The girls played games, danced, giggled (and giggled some more) and we all enjoyed some movies and then we cuddled up on the couch, sleeping bags, and mattresses to sleep.  As I looked across the room at the sleeping girls and Mamas, I realized how blessed I was to have such precious friends and precious opportunities to make memories that will last a lifetime!!

The girls divided into two groups and did skits for the Mamas...Too fun!!

The audience...

The bows...

More bows...
The Mamas...Susan, Cahrrie, Michelle, and Beth

The beds...Getting ready to watch a movie marathon...Friendly Persuasion and Anne of Green of Gables.

Cassadie and Hannah Grace are on my bed!!!  Move over ladybugs...Your beds are on the floor!!! heehee
Kowboy and Cupcake...They joined our slumber party!!!

The next day, the girls all joined us for Keziah's last basketball game!!!  Sweet friends and great memories!!
Cassadie, Kailey, Hannah Grace, Eden, Abigail, and Keziah

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gymnastic Meet 2011

Four Sick Children...Flu B

For almost 2 weeks, our little and big guys and gals have been down and out with the Flu B.  Temperatures in the 106.0 range, body aches, headaches, and overall feeling yucky ;-(

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Eden's 11th Birthday

I am behind in posting these pictures...Eden's day began with breakfast in bed.
Family is such a blessing!!

Eden's face when she learned that one of her gifts this year was a Make-Over with Miss Gena!!

The Before Shot...

Miss Gena gave Eden the "Royal Birthday Treatment"!!!

Daddy even took the entire day off so he could join us for the make-over and a special lunch out with the Birthday Girl.

Precious Memories!!!

Lunch at one of Eden's favorite places...
The Birthday Bags filled with blessings...

The cake and the gifts...

One of Eden's many new hair-dos ;-)

Birthday Bunch

Rebecca, Michelle, Celia, and Anna

Happy Birthday to Me

Breakfast in bed, fun gifts, family around me, and dinner out...Could not ask for a better birthday!!

Fun, Food, and Fellowship

Kevin and Cahrrie came into town so we all got together to enjoy some time with them.  We had a wonderful time of fun, food, and fellowship!  Looking forward to having them with us again very soon!

Happy 20th Babe

Glen celebrated 20 years with his company this past month.  His boss and employees surprised him with a celebration!  I am so thankful for this man!!  He is a hard-working, loyal, ambitious, and faithfuly man of God.  His obedience to the Lord's calling on his life allows me to fulfill the role God has given me as a wife and stay-at-home mother.  I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!

My Happy Valentine

God's blessings are so sweet!!  The children and Glen gave me beautiful roses and homemade cards for Valentine's Day!  The children enjoyed a package of goodies from Nana V as well as a few goodies from Mommy and Daddy.  Nana V made the girls nightgowns...They are so cute!!!
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker