Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm So Blessed...

When the kids and I returned from our 3 week visit with family and friends, I found this note on Glen's side of the sink. He put his wedding ring on here every night when he went to bed!!! See why I love this man?!?! I am not sure why the Lord chose to bless me with Glen, but I am SOOOOO glad HE did!!!

Batman Batman Batman!!!

Azaryah could not wait to get home from vacation so he could put on his Batman pjs, his Batman crocs and play with his Batman toys!!!

Swimming with the Corprews

One of our most favorite things about summer is joining the Corprews for swimming each week. The kiddos play so well together and Cahrrie and I play nicely ourselves ;-)

Summer Reading Program

It's that time again...The Summer Reading Progam has begun and the kiddos are in full swing of reading and enjoying all the library fun.

In just one week, the kiddos have meet most of their reading goals; however, they are working hard to earn all the bonus prizes. This is Azaryah's first year to be in the reading program and he is THRILLED with all the prizes ;-)

Keziah and Azaryah were already hard at work on their next books before we even got them checked out...

Corbyn is very particular as well and very discerning about what he reads...Wonderful quality that God is developing in him!!!

Eden knows exactly what type of books she wants and she checked out a TON today!!! Most of them will be completed by tomorrow ;-)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Final Farewell and a Warm Welcome Home

Thursday night, we had the blessing of attending the VBS Parent Night. We got to see the children's rooms, crafts and join them in their worship...Great week for all 4 of our kiddos!

Nana and Pawpaw treated us to an ice cream to celebrate such a wonderful week of VBS.

Friday, we headed home...

We stayed over night and enjoyed swimming, pizza, and watching HGTV during our family slumber party night.

Saturday, we were home safe and sound...Glen was excited to see us and we were very excited to see him!!!

Thank You, Lord, for a wonderful three weeks of travel and visiting family and friends ;-)

London, Kentucky

I was raised in London, Kentucky...London is such a sweet town with wonderful people and businesses. I have not lived in London for many years, but a little bit of my heart remains there and it will always be "home" to me!!

My Daddy served our country and his name is on the monument in the city square ;-)

This is my parent's home where my sister and I grew up...Such a fun place to return too and have my children run around and enjoy.

Our family's land where I spent many hours roaming around with my sister...

Sweet memories...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Artistic Signs

Daddy opened his buisness in 1975 and has supported our family through the years doing signs, silk screen, vinyl, banners, pin striping, hand letters, billboards, etc. If you ever need a sign, give him a call: 606-878-8471

This is where all the creativity begins...Daddy's shop

We got to watch Daddy hang a sign today...The kiddos thought that was COOL

Just a taste of his work...

Friends from the Past...

I ran into Barry at Starbucks...It has been YEARS since we were in school together. Very sweet man ;-)

Miss Campbell was my 8th grade History teacher. What a blessing she has been to me and all the students she has taught over the years.

Annette and I have been friends for years. We went to church together and now our boys, Corbyn and Chandler, and our girls, Eden, Emilie and Keziah are best of friends.

I know, I know...My hair is HUGE!!!! heehee See what the rain and humidity does to me?!?! One thing I DO NOT miss when I am leaving Kentucky!!! LOL

Shannon and I went to school together...She now owns TrEnDy in London, KY and I had a blast shopping while in town!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Vacation Bible School

All 4 kiddos are enjoying VBS at Nana and Pawpaw's church this week...We try to plan out trip to KY each year around their VBS. What a joy to be able to interact with Mom and Daddy's church even though we live 12 hours away ;-)

Weaver's Hotdogs...

No one understands why I ask for a CHILI BUN instead of a hotdog with chili!!! A chili bun is a bun with chili, onions and mustard...NO HOTDOG!!! I guess it is just a "London Thing"...YUM-O

Monday, June 15, 2009

Water Pad Fun

Today, Mom took the kiddos to the Water Pad at Mill Street Park. We had a BLAST!!!

Grandparents are SOOO fun!!!

Library Fun with Nana BJ

The kiddos had a wonderful time this morning with Nana BJ at the library. It cracks me up that my children LOVE LOVE LOVE the library and get so excited when we come to London and go to the public library ;-)

Thank You, Aunt Mel and Uncle Robert...

We had a wonderful visit with Robert and his family this past week. His home is so comfortable and so fun!!! Thank you all so much...We love you ;-)
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker