Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our Library is AWESOME!!

Our library is AWESOME!!  It has been newly renovated and it really looks great.  Tuesday was the first time we have had Storytime in the regular room since before Christmas.  The children loved being back in the room with fun paintings on the walls and their size tables!
 Azaryah and his Storytime buddies, Shayne and Garrett...
 Azaryah's Valentine Day craft...

Here is a Sneak Peek at our newly renovated library...

 The Teen Cave is not quite finished...Next week, it will look like a Cafe' complete with computers, comfy seating, and a bevealed glass partition...Corbyn is looking forward to hanging out there while Azaryah has Storytime each week!!
The adult area of the library...Not quite finished either but next week should have all the items in  place and ready for all of us to enjoy!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wizard of Oz Play

Our Language Arts class normally meets on Friday but this week we decided to take the class and head to a production of Wizard of Oz.  It was a great show and the kiddos loved it.  Susan, Beth, Kim, and I enjoyed it as well ;-)  We missed Cahrrie and her girls, though...Next field trip, we will all be together!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Small Group Date Night

Glen and I are so blessed to be in a small group with some wonderful couples.  These couples walk with us through life, pray with us and for us, encourage us to be the man and woman God created us to be, and we are all open and transparent with one another!  That is not something you experience very often.  We normally meet twice a month to catch up, share what God is doing in our lives, ask for prayer in areas of our lives that we may be struggling in at that time...While the adults meet together our children enjoy fellowship with one another.  This month, we decided to have a Small Group Date Night.  We started our evening at Spin for some yummy pizza and then off to the Bocce Basement for a game of bocce.
 Carol was up first for the Girls...She is quite the bocce player!
 Dave took the floor next...He is very good but I stopped cheering for him when he continually knocked my ball out of bounds ;-)
 Beth showing us how it is done...You Go Girl
 Susan up next...She knocked a couple of the Guys' balls out of bound for us!!! 
 My Hubby showing us how it is done...He knocked one of my balls out of bound too but I decided to forgive him!! heehee
 Rob was up next for the Guys...You know, you learn a lot about a fella when you play a game with him.  Rob shows no mercy and he forgets we are FRIENDS!!!! lol
 Kim is a quiet Ladybug but she sure can throw a Bocce ball!!!  Give me a K (K)...Give me an I (I)...Give me a M (M)...GOOOOOOOOO KIM!!!!!!!!!  (That was my cheer for her!!!)
See that green ball kissing the white ball?!??!  That was the guys' score but I told them when I put it on the blog and on FB, I would say that the Ladybugs were green!!! heehee
 The Men showing off their 4 pointer!!!  They are actually very good bocce players!!!
 The Guys' Team...Dave, Robert, Rob, Glen, and Shayne
 The Ladybug Team...Beth, Kim, Michelle, Susan, and Carol
At the end, we were all friends again...Our Small Group (minus the Summers and Corprews...We miss you all!!!!!)
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker