Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One Room School House

 Our city Historical Society does a great job preserving the historical sites in this area and then opening them to the public.  Last week, we had a wonderful fieldtrip to the One Room School House here in town.  The day began with a little history of the area, choosing penefoils for the girls and suspenders for the boys, and getting a lunch pail to put our old fashion lunch into...

 The children lined up and listened for the school bell to ring...
 Miss Ream welcomed us and got everyone seated...
 The children traveled back 100 years...The date was April 28, 1911...
 Everyone had their own work to complete.  The class started at 8:30 and we finished with a Spelling Bee at 1:00.  The children were given homework to do during that time...Even Azaryah had work to do.
The boys were the first to sit with Miss Reams...The worked on reading, history, math, and spelling...
 The girls also had their turn...So cute!!  When their lesson was complete, Miss Ream would say, "Children, you may rise...You may be dismissed."  Then they would walk quietly to their seats!!
 The children wrote on slates as well as with ink and a quill...

 Lunch was homemade bread, cheese, a slice of ham, apples, and water...
The Class of 1911...Such a fun day!!!!!

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