Monday, August 15, 2011

A Week with Azaryah

Two weeks ago, all three of our older kiddos headed off to Jr. Camp with our church...Azaryah could not wait until they left because he was going to be the only child for a week ;-)  This is Azaryah with his backpack ready for his first day of fun with Mommy!
Our three campers packed and ready for a week of fun fun fun!!!
Saying "Good-bye"...
First stop for Azrayah and Mommy was the Winnie the Pooh movie...  The popcorn and pop was bigger than Azaryah!! heehee
Azaryah and I had such a fun week spending lots and lots of uninterrupted quality time together...I love this Little Man...He is full of personality!!!
Azaryah spent one afternoon at Daddy's work...Lots of ladies to entertain him, lots of cool machines to watch, and of course some of Daddy's candy stash!!!
One morning, Daddy, Azaryah, and I snuck away to the Donut Shop for some breakfast...No they are not gluten-free but sometimes you just have to have a hot, fresh, gluten donut!!!
Azaryah got to help Daddy change the truck tire in a parking garage at Crown Center.  It was HOT HOT HOT but we had packed a picnic lunch with a gallon of lemonade so it was not too bad.

The above two pics are from our trip to Kaleidoscope...We had so much fun doing crafts together!!!!

Fun pictures that we took along the way!!!
Me and My Man at the fountains...We had so much fun getting soaked and running around after Azaryah...

Of course, the week included lots of ice cream...
Daddy even took us to Chuck E Cheese...This was Azaryah's first trip there and he had a BLAST!!!!

I am so thankful for the gifts in my life!!!  My family is so much fun and they are such a blessing to me!!!

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