Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of School...2011-2012

Rise and Shine!!!  It is the first day of school!!  This year, I have the privilege of educating a high school student, a middle school student, an elementary student, and a Kindergartner.  A wonderful year awaits!!  Ready...Set...Go!!
Too funny!!!  I went upstairs to wake everyone (of course, I am singing "School Day, School Day, Good ole golden rule day...Reading, and writing, and arithmetic taught to the tune of a hickory stick") but the older three did not jump out of bed and rush to the school room...

But my Kindergartner could not wait to get to the school room...Azaryah jumped out of bed and with his eyes still closed, he was busy making his bed!!! heehee

 Every morning, we begin with morning chores...Everyone has s job to do...

The first day of school always begins with Daddy walking us through our schedule, reminding us of the rules, and praying over us.  Glen is also teaching Corbyn's math and science again this year.  Precious moments!!!
 Class pictures...

I love those quiet moments when all four children are busy working...God has richly blessed us by allowing me to be at home so I can educate our children!!  Thank You, Lord, for Your amazing blessings in my life.

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