Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Breakfast in Bed for the Birthday Boy

Azaryah will not actually be 3 years old until next month, but we will be traveling during that time so we decided to celebrate early. The birthday boy began his day with breakfast in bed...Homemade blueberry pancakes with a funny face decoration.

What a sweet little face ;-)

He did so well eating in his car bed...No accidents!!


Anonymous said...

The pictures made me smile.. So cute! :)

Emily Hampton Saylor said...

This is such a neat idea. Do you make Breakfast in Bed for all the kids on their respective birthdays? What a great way to make him feel special.

Michelle said...

Yes, Emily...We started this years and years ago. It is fun to start the day with a special treat and then we make the entire day all about them. Nothing fancy or expensive just acknowledging them and celebrating that God created them and allowed us to have them in our family ;-)

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