Friday, October 23, 2009

Feeling Better...

Wednesday morning, the kiddos got a bath, clean jammies and laid back down for another day of rest...I decided to rid our home of the H1N1 germies so I cleaned the house from top to bottom, did TONS of laundry, opened windows to air out the house and Lysoled our home!!!!

Thursday morning, we tried to do a little school...Azaryah is steady concentrating on his cutting...Look at that tongue ;-)

The older ones worked for about an hour on their lessons...I thought the girls would feel better if their hair was nicely rolled!!! heehee

Friday morning, I treated them to new books from the library...They were SOOOO excited when I walked in the house with a huge bag of books...Their favorite thing to do is pour all the books out on the floor and then sit in the middle of them...They have to pick up every book and look through it before they decide where to begin!!!

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