Friday, December 24, 2010

Hanging Out with Pawpaw and Nana

 We have the blessing of having my Daddy and Mama here with us for almost 3 weeks!!!  We have so much fun when they come out.  Of course, there are LOTS of family games...
 Nana and Pawpaw also join in the children's activities...In this picture, they are watching Keziah's basketball practice...
 They worship with us as well...They are all dressed up and looking fine...
 No trip is complete without Pawpaw and Azaryah playing Batman for HOURS!!!!
And you know there are LOTS and LOTS of family movies...Here Azaryah is all snuggled up and enjoying Rudolph with Nana and Pawpaw.  Thank You, Lord, for my parents and their love for our family!!!

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