Monday, January 19, 2009

Missin' An Old Friend...

Do you have a friend who knows exactly what to do to cheer you up when you are feelin' blue?!?! Funny story...Trisha and I walked through some very heated fires together that really broke our hearts. One day, I was feelin' blue and she asked what I thought would cheer me up...I said, "I think I want to walk around Wal-mart!!" Well, you can imagine how ridiculous she thought that was, but being the trooper she is, she and I walked around Wal-mart. A few months later, I was really depressed and had not been out of the house or out of my pjs in days. She arrived at my door one night and said, "Get up and get dressed, we are going to walk around Wal-mart!!!" I think I need a trip to Wal-mart today, Trisha!!! Do you think you can fly into town by this evening?!?!


Its So Very Cheri said...

Oh-I wish I was there to cheer you up. I wouldn't want to take Trisha's special place and take you to Wal-Mart but we could pick a different place to walk around and have our own special place to go. I'll give you a call.

Cathy Lotz said...

What a great photo of 2 great friends! That should cheer anyone up!!

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