Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcoming the New Year with Old Friends...

Last night, we had the blessing of welcoming in the New Year with old friends. Jim and Trisha came into town to visit family for Christmas and they spent last night with us!!

Aren't they cute?!?! Trisha brought the boys pjs so they could be comfy...I cracked up because they were the SAME pjs we gave our children for Christmas. Both our families have the same tradition of opening pjs on Christmas Eve...I guess that old saying is true, "Two great minds think alike!!" (I am not sure either Jim or Glen would say Trisha and I have "great" minds, but we like to think they would!! heehee)

This is our first picture of 2009...Can ya tell we're getting older?!?! We look a little worn out...Maybe because we're all up WAY past our regular bedtime!! heehee

1 comment:

Cathy Lotz said...

OK, can I add to the great minds think alike? Guess what we do Christmas Eve? The kiddos get to open up one gift. Every year, it happens to be a freshly washed pair of PJs for each kiddo. :o) hee hee Great for pix the next day.

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