Monday, December 1, 2008

Crafts and Knitting with Nana V

Vilma is very talented...She knits and sews. She has blessed us many times with beautiful sweaters and outfits she has made for the children. In fact, when Eden was in the NICU right after she was born (weighing 2 pounds), we could not find clothes for her. Vilma knitted slippers and a robe for her to wear as well as many dresses with bonnets and booties for her. Eden did not grow very quickly, due to her genetic disorder, so she wore those outfits for a VERY long time ;-) What a joy to see her teach my girls to do the same!!

Nana V wanted to do a craft with the girls so we went to Wal-mart to pick up the materials. Her craft was to make candy cane and wreaths out of pipe cleaners and beads...We could not find everything there, so I picked up this craft...Needless to say, I did NOT read the package and when we opened the bag, there were hundreds of beads!!! Nana V did find the materials for her original craft and the children will make those this week...Stay tuned and you will see them posted on the blog ;-)

The finished product...Two beaded angels for our tree. Good job, Ladies!

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