Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Process...

Once Glen, Corbyn and Daddy made the train table, Daddy began painting the scenery...

The first step was to put the tracks on the table and outline them. Then Daddy penciled in the road and stream.

Little by little, the picture came to life. Azaryah enjoyed watching Pawpaw paint and asked Pawpaw over and over, "Pawpaw, what's you doin'?" heehee

Pawpaw even included a fence, a barn and 2 horses. The stream is quite impressive. Daddy made it appear to have rocks, banks and 2 waterfalls...He is so talented!!

1 comment:

taximom said...

Hey Guys,
There is that boy again with no shirt on!!! I know he going to enjoy his train table. Miss you all!!!
Love ya,

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