Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday is Fun Day

Fridays are fun days for our family. We try to get the majority of our lessons compeleted by Thursday so our school load is a little lighter on Friday. Play dates and field trips are reserved for Friday afternoons. Friday nights we have our Family Slumber Parties. We all snuggle up on an air mattress, sleeping bags and the couch to watch a family movie or classic TV shows. The children are HUGE Andy Griffith, Brady Bunch, I Love Lucy, and Leave It to Beaver fans. We pop popcorn and munch!! It is a precious time together that we all enjoy.

Today, we met some dear friends at the park for some fun and sun...The children enjoyed running and playing while Heidi and I sat and chat :-)

They just could not resist making a funny picture!! Can you tell they are all full of energy and creativity!?! HeeHee

The girls enjoyed pushing Azaryah on the merry-go-round...He LOVES being the center of attention!! (I am not sure where he gets that!! Heehee)

Friday evenings are also game night during football season. Corbyn has two games this weekend, so the younger ones and I stayed home to get a few things done while the big boys went to play...Hopefully, the sun will be out tomorrow so we can take some game pictures for ya to see. Corbyn sure pours his heart into football and I think he is the cutest one on the field...His coach (his Daddy) is also very handsome!! heehee

Little Man did not want to be left out. Now that we are blogging, he knows when I take a picture it will go on the computer...When I sit down to check email, he is always looking for his picture. Each time he sees it, he gets so excited and says, "Mommy, yook, yook!" Too cute ;-)

1 comment:

Cathy Lotz said...

We love Andy Griffith too! I didn't think about I Love Lucy, Brady Bunch, and Leave it to Beaver. I'll have to check those out sometime for the kiddos.

We also do family night on Fridays...well, the Fridays we don't have small group. We usually watch a movie or play board games.

How fun to go back in time and re-watch things! :o)

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